In May, to celebrate my accumulation of three new friends made all by myself, a bunch of friends poached from them, 3 Rent-a-Poms (work-colleague Britons roped in by Laura) and a few Nova Scotian neighbours, I decided to throw my own housewarming party. It was really to celebrate the fact that I knew enough people to have a party and that if you feed them, they will come...
Australian wine and British Columbian salmon on baguettes with cream cheese, cheese and crackers were served, apart from this lovely cake I ordered and then "Australianized" with toothpicks and stickers.
It was a great night. My friend Karen cunningly matched her drinking cup all evening with her shirt, my friend Kelty was so taken by my Aussie flag temporary tattoo that she wore one too, and my Nova Scotian neighbours, Chelsa and John and their friend Crystal swung by for a few glasses.
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