Hi Folks. It's time to say my last hurrah to Canada (unintentional rhyme :-)
I have been in Niagara for the weekend, seeing the Falls and running around the wineries with two wonderful new friends, Tim and Hannah. You will see how cold it looks. It was that cold. The ice-wineries were fascinating. To meet the definition of icewine, the grapes must be picked and processed in the middle of the night at no warmer than -8 temperatures. The harvest is in January.
So it is time to say cheerio to Canada, it's been really, the time of my life. I will visit again but not for awhile and not on this trip.
Marc, Laura, Karen, Victoria, Kelty, Melissa, Ashley, Trish, Hiking and Work Lisas, Chelsa and John, Courtney, Chris and all the other wonderful family and friends you've let me beg, borrow and steal this year, you've made my year. I'll blog the farewell at the Aussie Rules club at the end of the Calgary stories.
It's off to the Europe now on a red-eye to a mysterious location which is also a famous food.
Hey Lisa!
Great to know you've been too busy to blog of late, but pleased nonetheless you've resumed the travel tales.
Vicariously yours - with love always, Ros E.
Hey Liza, nice to see your picture in your site... :)
Dear Mr Suharmono,
Do I know you? If so, please identify yourself.
You are sorely missed in this country, my friend! I drove by your house recently while getting deliriously lost on the way to a port bottling, and I got a tad sniffly. ;-)
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